Prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases
Department of Prosthetic and Pediatric Dentistry, Astana Medical University, Kazakhstan
Data nadesłania: 12-03-2024
Data ostatniej rewizji: 03-07-2024
Data akceptacji: 09-07-2024
Data publikacji online: 24-07-2024
Autor do korespondencji
Aiman Onerova
Department of Prosthetic and Pediatric Dentistry, Astana Medical University, 49A Beybitshilik Str., Astana, Kazakhstan
Background: Determining the prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases makes it possible to determine the age group most prone to them, which will help to implement correct treatment and prevention measures for persons of this group, aimed at increasing the level of individual and public health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases among the population of the city of Astana according to several criteria and to compare data on the statistics of periodontitis incidence from the world and Kazakhstan. Objective: The research was conducted using the methods of clinical examinations and statistical data processing. Material and methods: The study involved 642 people aged 18 to 80 years who, within twelve months, applied to dental institutions in the city of Astana and were checked according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Clinical studies included determining the level of oral hygiene using the OHI-S simplified oral hygiene index and determining the condition of periodontal tissue using the CPITN periodontal disease treatment need index. Results: It was found that the highest prevalence of various forms of gingivitis and periodontitis was observed in the 66-80 age group – 99% and 69%, respectively. The general distribution in all groups indicated a directly proportional relationship between the frequency of detection of inflammatory periodontal diseases and the age of the group participants. A comparison of data on the incidence of periodontal disease in the world and in Kazakhstan showed a 3.52% lower incidence rate in Kazakhstan compared to the world average. Conclusions: The use of regular and timely preventive and treatment measures for the population group most prone to inflammatory periodontal diseases will make it possible to improve the state of individual health of the population and, accordingly, raise the level of public health.